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Dead End (Book 2): A Very Good Neighbor Page 4
Dead End (Book 2): A Very Good Neighbor Read online
Page 4
“God, not more “Jake can't get laid” crap is it? I'd kind of hoped that bullshit had blown over. Look Jake, it's not some huge thing, some people just aren't as well liked as others, it's not something to make a big issue off.” She was going to say more, but Len shook his head at her. Hard.
“Don't be a bitch.” The man said, in his slow, mentally handicapped fashion.
It made Jake smile and Vickie laugh softly.
“Darn straight Len. I agree, Carley. Don't. Just go get Sammi and Tip, will you please? Then clear the room.” It was an order, and from one of the few people in the House that Carley wouldn't argue with overly. Vickie was balls out tough, true, but that wasn't it. The other woman just respected her.
That it was a form of bigotry that caused her not to really respect Jake totally flew past her mind, of course. He was a man, so obviously... bad. Or something. Jake didn't pretend to really know what was going on inside her convoluted brain. It could have been something else altogether.
The others came easily enough after about ten minutes and Burt took Len and Carley away to walk and stake out the needed underground structures. They did still need to vote on it, but Jake decided to work on it alone if he had to. It really was a good idea, even if no one else wanted to try it. Not that working alone would get anything done in time. As it was he didn't know if they could really do it all. It was a lot of digging and the earth would be frozen inches deep soon. They could try though, if they hurried.
No one spoke until the room cleared. Sammi looked at him when it did and raised a single eyebrow, an eloquent gesture that gave the lie to her apparent youth. If you were looking for signs like that, which no one else was yet. She didn't say anything though. Jake tilted his head.
“Right, so, Nate found out that I know he can read minds. Vickie knows what you are and admitted that both she and Tipper are Valkyries...”
He was going to go on, but Tipper yelped. Loud enough he pulled his nine and pointed it at her head, but got to put it away almost instantly, since she only made the one sound.
“What? I...” The somewhat hard looking forty year old glared at Vickie, who just yawned at her sedately, patting her hand over her mouth.
“Oh, you didn't notice the Bawdri living here? Or the others? Kind of lax of you T. Too busy getting your groove on with half the House to notice I take it?” She smiled, and it wasn't a pleasant thing at all.
Tipper grunted. Also not a pleasant thing.
“Bawdri? Who? Jake? But...”
Sammi rolled her eyes, “Not him, no. Me. You certainly didn't think I was actually eleven, did you?”
The brown haired woman stared for a few seconds and then shrugged, “Yes. Didn't even occur to me to check. Well... shoot, we could have used you on night duty this whole time. Go figure.” She glanced at Vickie first, then Nate, but ignored Jake.
That suited him just fine.
“So, wait, Nate's a telepath? I got that Heather's a fairly powerful precog, but... what all have I been missing here?” She sounded baffled and didn't seem to notice when Nate let his eyes go large.
“Um...” The leader said softly. Hesitating for just a bit before plunging ahead. “You mean I'm not just going crazy? Those voices...”
“Are actually there, other people's thoughts, like you no doubt suspected.” Sammi smiled at him and looked at Tip hard.
“What else you ask? Almost everything. Double Y chromosome, Berserker, a large handful of people with abilities that I don't even have a category for, and a few things I suspect but haven't confirmed yet. For instance, I think Justine may not just be “large boned” but may actually be a Neanderthal remnant population member.” The girl looking woman took a deep breath.
“I also think that Carley is a Killgrade... The point being, almost everyone here right now is something. I think we only have three or four regular humans left. Most of them don't know though, so I've gone slowly, we need to get people together soon I think, if those cannibals are going to be here on schedule.”
Nate held up his right hand to get everyone to stop.
“Wait. Just a bit here... I don't, really I'm not getting most of this I don't think. What's going on here?” He addressed this directly to Jake, so he spoke gently, but didn't wait. That wouldn't help anyone.
“Um, Sammi is really old, her people don't age very fast and can see in the dark, heal quickly and have really keen noses. If there's more there I don't know it.” Jake pointed at first Vickie then, a little grudgingly at Tipper. He got why they'd hidden things from him, but it still hurt a bit.
“They're basically super-soldiers, ones called Valkyries. I guess there are several kinds? You read minds and Holsom was an Incubus. But not a real demon, or else we'd all be dead, obviously. Just a guy spewing pheromones and chemicals around, or possibly some kind of psychic thing. I don't know the rules there.”
Vickie blinked and looked at Tipper hard, then back to Jake, “Um, chemical I think, I wasn't effected at all and I would have been if it was psychic, most likely.” She seemed a little confused, but didn't explain why. Sammi got it though.
“Ah, yes. I didn't think you could be addicted to anything. But then Tipper seemed to fall for him...”
Vickie winced and blew out a huge gust of air. Then she looked at her sister and blinked very slowly. Tip just sat, as if not aware they were talking about her. Finally Vickie clenched her teeth hard.
“Tip? What was the deal there? With Derrick?”
“What? I just liked him. I know it was a bad choice now, but at the time it made sense. He was cute enough and, you know, he didn't expect a long term relationship or anything, so it fell within the rules, even for a situation like this.”
Vickie shook her head and then made a gesture at Sammi, as if saying she was throwing the discussion back to her. The blond girl closed her eyes.
“Brilliant... You know, I expected better of Vals, I really did. Or more to the point, I expected better of Tipper. Vickie at least wasn't cruel to anyone as far as I know.”
Nate looked clueless still, playing catch-up, but Jake got it.
“You know, the idea that Tipper had been under Holsom's... power, I guess, is the only reason I've been cutting her as much slack as I have been. If it wasn't that, then she's just what? Really that evil? Really thinks I'm totally worthless? Not good enough at all? That's saying something considering some of the people she's slept with here. Almost as many people as Derrick did...”
And then Carley taking off after him earlier... Jake just nodded for a few seconds, thinking.
“I... see. So it really is that way...”
Sammi shook her head and stared into his eyes, trying to will him to do something it felt like, Jake just stood and grinned, a mean and cold thing, but not a frown at least.
“Well, good to know. Sammi, stop that, will you? You had a chance to fix everything and it just didn't happen. Not anyone's fault.”
Nate frowned, a real thing that was visible past the beard he wore. He stood too and put his right hand back out, a little too fast, almost causing Jake to draw his nine, even if it wasn't an attack. That the weapon stayed in the holster was a good thing, but it was darned close. Jake wondered if he was a little bit on edge or something?
“I... Jake, how does that... change anything? Isn't it all the same really? I didn't know all that about Derrick, but...”
“But, you see, it's like this. If Tip had been being abused, forced to act as she had, Holsom playing with her mind like he had the others, it might offer enough reason for me not to just hate her. Otherwise, what she did, lying to me about not liking men, when she knew that she just didn't like me, and was busy sleeping her way through most of the House... Especially when... if anyone here was willing to give me the benefit of the doubt it should have been her... I mean, we were supposed to be teammates and even friends, right? But instead she chose to just shit all over me, and it was on purpose, all her. No one made her... So yeah, it's different.”
It made sense to him at least. He walked out of the room. They didn't really need him anyway, did they? They had telepaths and super-humans that didn't have to hide now. He'd just be in the way. Jake decided to just take off in the morning. No one would care overly. Not at all most likely.
To that end he decided to load up his wagon, a raw log monstrosity he'd built, using only some screws, scavenged wheels from in town, tractor lawn mower ones, and an axe. Now he had some real tools though, so that would help. Plus he could get some food. The little house he'd lived in when he left should still have firewood and enough dried meat for several people. Enough for the whole winter at least. Bland, but edible. He took a lot of spare clothing that should fit and the forge tools he'd made himself. No one could doubt those were his. He kept working until it got dark, then went in to eat dinner by candle light, with everyone else.
No one said anything to him, or gave him funny looks at all. Then, he hadn't announced he was leaving or anything. This time he was just going. It would probably be days before anyone realized that he was even gone. Not that they couldn't find him, but really, it would be better that way. He settled next to Dave, only to find Carley squeezing in next to him. That wasn't unheard of, but being she'd decided to go all ubber-bitch on him and wanted to pretend that all the women hating him was just because he was “creepy”, Jake had figured she'd be avoiding him.
At least she didn't try to talk to him.
Tipper sat at the same table he did, as if the conversation earlier hadn't even taken place. That... didn't make sense at all. Unless no one cared about his feelings in the slightest? Then it worked pretty well. No big thing, he decided, he'd just leave, and then everything would get better for him.
The new girls were sitting by Sammi, Ken and Heather, with her boyfriend Randy next to Robin. Probably trying to get her into bed. That seemed to be the accepted relationship rule. Sleep with everyone but Jake. Again, that was fine. He wished Randy the best of it. Robin too.
Heather could go and walk into the waiting arms of a zombie for all he cared. In fact, he'd suggest it if anyone ever asked. Not that they would. This was what he was thinking about when the fight started.
It was at the back of the room, and, shockingly, between a man and a woman.
Which was only a big deal because most of the time anymore, with so few guys left, there were very few arguments like that. It was an argument, Jake thought, since no one had hit anyone yet. The room was dark and they spoke heatedly, but in low tones. Not even breaking noise discipline.
It kind of made Jake proud for a moment.
Then one of them, the women, who he thought was Cisco, but it was hard to tell in the dim room at that distance, pulled a knife. That could be seen by the glint in the darkness. She didn't move on the man though, instead she... cut herself. Her left hand, sharply pulling the blade across the palm.
Then slapped it on the dining room table, only the thunk of the action making any noise at all, everyone else having gone quiet at the scene. Even the new girls.
It was huge. No one even made a sound as the table surged into the air about four feet. The female gesturing at it with her still dripping hand. It was hard to see, but people moved back. Jake just thought it was freaking cool.
Except that as she pulled her hand back, in what looked like a throwing motion, the plates of food, other people's dinner, slid off to the floor, breaking. Wasting both plates and cups along with needed sustenance. No one said anything though, so rolling his eyes, Jake walked to the back quickly and reached out to the bleeding woman. Touching her left arm gently.
“Calm now. I don't want to have to get a new table in. We're going to need all of them already, what with the new folks coming soon. Go ahead and put it down now and we'll deal with this like adults.” Jake gestured with his left hand at the floating wood roughly over their heads.
“Gently please. Do you need a bandage for your hand?” It was possible she didn't, super-healing or whatever.
The tone was soft and conversational. He had to admit it was a cool trick, but it wasn't any more frightening than if she'd picked up the table by hand, or even a chair. The mechanism was different, sure, but the action didn't seem like a big deal, except the fact that she was about to kill...
Jake looked at the man standing behind him, a faint glow and sense of heat coming from his right fist as he stood. No scent of burning though. He didn't have a name for the form. Not a new person, just no one he knew overly. One of the kitchen crew. So Lois, Sammi and Ken would be responsible for him.
He murmured that out loud, which got Ken to walk over and look at the situation, hands open and relaxed. Then Jake stepped in front of Cisco and her flying table, and gave her a solid, large nod. Needed to be seen in the dark of the room.
Sobbing, the woman, who had to be in her mid-thirties by the lines on her face, lowered her hand and started crying. Nearly silent though. Jake had to fight a smile from his face and moved in. She stiffened as he did, and seemed distressed at first when he put his arms out for a hug. It didn't make sense to him to do that, but... Cisco still collapsed into his arms.
“I'm sorry... I... Everyone will hate me now. I...” She didn't make a move, but her eyes went to the now settled table.
Yeah. In a normal crowd that might have been an issue. No one wanted the woman that had magic floaty power blood. Not Back Before.
It wasn't Back Before anymore though, was it?
“Not a big deal. Except that you have to help get more plates, and owe everyone at your table half a meal. We need to deal with this, but after people finish eating. For now... Ken, can you take charge of...” God he was horrible with names. The man still stood breathing hard, but his hand wasn't faintly glowing like the embers of a spent fire anymore. It was an improvement.
The boy clapped the large man on the shoulder, causing the guy to turn, as if avoiding a grab. That was foolish, but didn't start a new fight. Which was good. The power of a warm fireplace had its uses in a fight, but probably wouldn't stop Ken if it came to that. It probably wouldn't even stop Jake.
“Come on Bart. Best to get out of the situation for now.” It was a simple sentence, but Ken spoke so rarely that the man just followed along, looking a bit shocked.
It took a few minutes to bandage up Cisco's hand by candle light, a second one having to be lit, because the wound was deep. Carelessly, angrily, so. Right in the fold of her hand too. Jake pointed at it and grimaced.
“If you just need blood, try cutting the side of your forearm from now on. It will hurt less and leave you able to work the next day. This slashing the palm thing may be traditional, but it's foolish if not needed for the whole thing to work. You can't afford to lose a week's work every time you get in an argument with someone.” It was just the truth and the woman didn't say anything, just letting Jake wrap the whole hand for her, after a sprinkling of penicillin mold powder, which got her to gasp and go wide eyed.
“God... Jake... I...” Her tone was suddenly a bit awed.
Probably because she realized the mess her tantrum had made. Well, everyone was on edge, and it would only get worse as time went on, as more people came and things got close all winter long. That this was the worst fight they'd had so far over...
“What was this about?” He asked her quietly.
“Bart, we're dating, or were, and he... cheated on me! I just found out. I... with Tipper, the cleaner? I should have kicked her ass, but... she wasn't the one going out with me. Now I'll probably be voted out like you were and... I don't think I can make it alone Jake. I'm...” She sobbed more then. But softly. He patted her on the shoulder.
“Bull. This was a lover's quarrel, nothing more. Don't blow it up into something it wasn't. We are going to have a vote after dinner though, but it's not some big plan to get you. You'll have to answer some questions, but mainly just to get things right enough with Bart that neither of you are stabbing the other in the night. We don't need BS lik
e that anymore, you know?” He smiled gently, but her eyes went wide.
“I...” Whatever it was she wanted to say or tell him didn't come out, because Nate and the head table suddenly finished eating, which meant that everyone moved the tables and chairs for a meeting. One kind of planned even.
The voting structure wasn't democratic anymore. If you wanted to vote, you had to earn it, by heading a team, or starting and working on something needed and useful. That meant they only had a half dozen people that got a vote on any given day, and most of those were useful ones that actually did things. It wasn't perfect, but when everyone had a vote the House had nearly self-destructed. It seemed that Nate and the others were counting his work with the new women as doing something needed, instead of just taking part in a giant fiasco waiting to happen, which was how he looked at it. He got a vote at least.
Nate waved him to the chair next to him, which was a little odd. Stranger still, Burt wasn't at the table. Lois was, always, since people ate every day, and Julio too, for the same reason. Rita, from Molly's team had her own sewing and repair squad now it appeared, so that counted. Carl had been heading hunts, not just for the women's compound, but everyone while Jake and the others were busy with the new group.
That was it. Five votes to rule them all.
Nate spoke gently, but a little more firmly than normal. He glanced at Jake and shrugged.
“What first?” It was odd, but Jake just shrugged back, then stood.
“First, Len's building project...” He outlined the plan, asked for input and the resources needed from Burt and Carley, how many people, working for how long, potential weather related problems and all that kind of thing.
Nate had to translate for Julio, but the man nodded along without looking troubled.
The vote went fast and no one spoke against it from the audience, even though Jake kind of thought they would. It was going to suck, doing all that digging and wood gathering in the cold. He'd have to do his own, if he wanted to hide from the cannibals, most likely, but that was just for one person. A hidey-hole was a different beast than an underground complex with several decently large rooms. It wasn't enough space still, but at least with him gone it would open a spot for one more, right?